Yes, I walk daily! Say, for half an hour, that’s it! Thousands of you guys might find this activity similar and relate to me … My wife joked it out when I told her the first time that I was going out for a walk… She couldn’t believe her ears, but she had to! I am a couch potato kinda guy in her perspective, so this was a total shocker for her… you can expect that. That morning, I had read in the newspaper that there were more folks in our country who are enduring from depression/despair than the ones, who go out to watch movies and party. In fact, this topic gave an instant kickstart to an active conversation between me and my wife about all those awful movies these days at the unworthy prices that we are bombarded with….
The very next moment, I don't know what prompted me or rather shoved me to put on my shoes for a stroll and stormed out of the house only to be confronted by a cluster of my friends, who unwillingly joined me for a brisk walk that day …. I went the next morning too! Now, it had turned a kind of a habit …
Now, someone asked me “why do iIwalk?” “what is the reason?”. I mean there is no reason other than simply moving out of your house for a walk. In fact, we walk because it makes us feel good. We walk because we can. We walk, because it is free of charge. We walk because it is legal to do so. All that you ought to know is how to walk ;-). In my opinion, it is one of the perfect good-for-nothing activities.
I often get questioned, “how much body weight I shun from walking?”. For a second, I actually fail to understand the question itself. I mean, why would I wish to lose something? For those putting forth this question across me, please be informed that I face enough troubles finding my stuffs (like my cell phone, keys, etc.) on a daily basis!
A bitter truth is that diets and exercises often fail to work, feeling sleazy doesn’t work either. Thus, I suggest to quit attempting to be something that you are not, and in fact be happy with what you have been gifted with and simply move out for a nice and refreshing walk.
Leave that diet Coke, leave that treadmill, forget all the rules and just walk! It is all scandalous out there, which conjures to keep us wretched. If it reads “sugar-free” or “fat-free” or “healthy calories”, discard it!
Remember that one of the core strategies of capitalism is to instill the consumer with despair, resentment, insecurity and fear, so that the consumer can shell out haphazardly only to feel good for an interim period. But damn, and we are all stuck with it, aren’t we?
Secret of happiness is being good to yourself and others, being equal with others, and becoming a participant rather than an audience….
You certainly won’t love to get aboard some stupid goals and rules that include a hell lot of do’s and dont’s that just beg you to break them. Let me tell you something, I gulp down a glass of drink everyday, i apply butter on my foods, but i also make sure to walk daily.
Let me tell you a secret… Always remember that you are perfect just the way you are, so never ever try to change that!
So walk not just to lose weight or attain that skinny or lean body, instead take a stroll for yourself, for the refreshing breeze thats calling you!
Let me end this with a wonderful saying from Brene Brown, which goes like “Talk to yourself as you would to someone you love”. This sums up it all!
Enjoy your walk,